The next call with the Mother Earth Delegation
will be on February 15th, 2025 @ 2 PM PT
1.5-hour Free Online Conference and Q&A
Grandmother Jyoti (Elder, USA),
Grandmother Luisah Teish (Iyanifa and Oshun Chief, USA),
Grandmother Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook (Oglala Sioux, USA),
Elin Teilus (Sámi, Sápmi, Sweden)
Uncle Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq (Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland),
Grandmother Flordemayo (Mayan, USA),
Heather Dudney, Grandmother Flordemayo’s daughter
Kya Dudney, Mayan (USA) Youth Ambassador,
Universal Mother (Bwiti Grandmothers from Gabon, Africa),
Grandfather Randy Lays Bad (Oglala Sioux, USA),
Shawna Bluestar Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape, Turtle Island),
Jarmbi (Original Custodian, Australia),
Eleonora Ascencio Dahl offers the message from the Kogi (Kaggaba)
Kurikindi (Kichua, Ecuador)
We will also be live streaming here on:
"Mahalo nui loa, thank you greatly, for creating this positive format, which supports the shifting of ignorance & arrogance, of power-over agendas, to one of healing and working with Pacha Mama.
May there be an immediate positive response to our prayers.
"Thank you so much for organizing this conference and sharing it. Listening to it right now touched my heart and nourished my soul. Blessings to you and every single of you who shared their wisdom and prayers in such sacred way."
The Mother Earth Delegation will have time for Q&A. If you have a question, submit it here:
Launch of the
Mother Earth Delegation of United Indigenous Nations of the North Conference
Recorded SATURDAY MARCH 28, 2020
- Sami delegates—Elin Teilus & Erika Unnes & Sara Ájnnak (Sweden),
- Grandmother Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook (Oglala Sioux, USA),
- Grandfather Milo Yellow Hair (Oglala Sioux, USA),
- Shawna Bluestar Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape, Turtle Island),
- Grandmother Luisah Teish (Iyanifa and Oshun Chief, USA),
- Grandmother Jyoti (Elder, USA),
- Jingki (Nyungar, Australia),
- Jarmbi (Original Custodian, Australia),
- Kurikindi (Kichua, Ecuador)
- Grandmother Ivy Smith (Maori Aotearoa (NZ) Polynesia)
- Grandmother Flordemayo (Mayan, USA),
- Grandfather Randy Lays Bad (Oglala Sioux, USA),
- Uncle Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq (Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland),
- Mindahi Bastida (Otomi-Toltec, Mexico)
- Xiye Bastida (Otomi-Toltec, Mexico),
- Mamo Manuel (Kogi, Colombia),
- Sahil (representative for Idu Mishmi, India)
- Mahesh (Bishnoi, India)
Messages from The Mother Earth Delegates
Mindahi Bastida’s TOLTEC Wisdom Message
Kurikindi’s Message
Offering from Elizabeth B. Jenkins about Q’ero Prophecy
Message from Mamo Manuel, Kogi People, Colombia
“Peace Nana” by Luisah Teish
Grandmother, Teach Me Patience | Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook & Jyoti Ma
The Spirit is Action A Call for Justice by Mindahi Crescencio Bastida Muñoz
Luisah Teish ~ Prayer for the World
Jingki Ngombal ~ Prayer from my heart
Kurikindi ~ Prayer for harmony
Guardian of Life gathering at Ekskäret Island
Wisdom Keepers – We Are Listening
A Universal Message – Eng. Sub – Short Film by Varial* Feat. Mindahi Bastida
A Prayer Blessing with Jyoti Ma
Jyoti Ma – “Sacred Economics” The Harmony Convergence 2020
Jyoti Ma, Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook, Shii Tuii Chadbourne “Star People Contact” The Harmonic Convergence 2020
The Upload July 2020 #globaldaysofunity
The Opportunity of This Moment with Jyoti Ma
Sacred Fire on 8:8 LionsGate
Open Council: Ancestors and descendants calling for Ecocide Law
Many Fires, Many Voices, for One United Earth
Lecture of Angaangaq on occasion of the world Woman’s Day March 8th 2021
World UNITY Week 2021 June 23 -25 with The Fountain & The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations
Watch the Live on Youtube channel!
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What a Gift!
Marion Ansaldi - April 9, 2020