Get quiet, see inside, hear your inner voice...
Get quiet, see inside, hear your inner voice...
Join us in Silence For Your Soul

Silent Retreats
...with Jyoti and Darlene Hunter
Join us for four days of blissful solitude at our mountain retreat.
Immerse yourself in your connection to All that is!
We offer this retreat for each of you to follow your own meditation practice during the day, this could be a Buddhist practice; practice through silent walks in nature; practice through prayer or chanting; a practice that lights the fire in your soul. Take this much needed time of silent contemplation to deepen the clarity and connection Spirit is asking from us in this moment of great transformation on Mother Earth.
The formula she offered is full and very rich. Those that have attended these Silent Retreats reported it was a moment that dropped them into a deeper connection with their Soul; a deeper connection to their work in the world through the Beingness of themselves.
As the Dalai Lama told us several years ago,
“It is good to pray, but now we must put our prayer into action.”
This is the action called for now!!
A Message from Jyoti
‘In The Silence, The Mother Comes!’
Scheduled Retreats
Make your retreat experience even more relaxing and healing!
"This was my experience at our last silent retreat. Life became joyous and simple and it was magical. I sat in stillness, I read, I worked on my sacred art projects wrapped in the warmth of the sanctuary. Can not wait for the next retreat!"
– Stacy
“I want to let you all know how grateful I am for the way you held the Beautiful, Sacred container at the Silent Retreat. I am so honored to have been a part of it with all of you. ” – Lori