Storytelling Webinar

With The Mother Earth Delegation

All donations appreciated.

* Fundraiser for the Mother Earth Delegation*

All are Welcome!

Stories •  Prophecies • Instructions • Teachings

Grandmother Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook, Oglala Sioux Nation (Turtle Island)

Luisah Teish, Iyanifa and Oshun chief (USA)

Randy Lays Bad, Oglala Sioux Tribe (Turtle Island)

Elin Teilus, Sámi (Sápme, Sweden)

Shawna Bluestar, Shawnee Lenape (Turtle Island)

Steven T. Newcomb, Shawnee Lenape (Turtle Island)

Kurikindi, Sumae Causai (Kichua Nation, Ecuador)

Mama Edie McLoud Armstrong (Residing on the ancestral lands of the Council of Three Fires (Odawa, Ojibwe, Potawatomi))

Bonga, Master Haitian Drummer

The Mother Earth gave Her sacred gift of storytelling to the Original Peoples in the beginning days. These creation stories and stories that also prophesize and instruct have been passed down through the generations. These stories provide a tapestry of The Story of our existence.

They share the bigger picture of Mother Earth’s story and how all has evolved. We invite you to enter with us into this very sacred space and ceremonial time where traditional storytellers will share the stories that will help us walk through these challenging times. As Grandmother Luisah Teish says, “We must re-inspirit the art of storytelling. Our children must learn to sit still and listen. The story is important in their instruction.”


Storytelling Webinar with Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook, Randy Lays Bad, Kurikindi, Elin Teilus, Bonga, hosted by Jyoti Ma

Recorded on APRIL 25th, 2024

* Fundraiser for the Mother Earth Delegation*

Storytelling Webinar with Yeye Luisah Teish, Mama Edie, Steven Newcomb and Shawna Bluestar, hosted by Jyoti Ma

Recorded on FEBRUARY 29th, 2024

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