A Universal Message – Eng. Sub – Short Film by Varial* Feat. Mindahi Bastida
Filmed by Varial* Produced by Edith Soto.
Featuring Mindahi Bastida Muñoz
The time has come for us,
it is a great opportunity,
this systemic crisis that affects everyone
has been created by us,
it is not anyone else fault.
What happens over there is affecting me,
and what happens to me here
is affecting others over there.
We are all woven, intertwined,
and it is time to call humanity to unity,
not to homogeneous unity,
but to unity in diversity.
And diversity is a beauty,
because it allows us to recognize ourselves in difference.
That is why the time has come to remember,
to transmit through the voice that we are human,
that we have made mistakes, and that we must ask for forgiveness.
We can turn poison into medicine.
If we want to transcend, let's recognize who we are.
As human beings,
we come into this world to take care of life,
not take advantage of it.
As human beings
we come to learn, not to impose,
we come to learn from each other , and in every one of us is the key to happiness.
Because every culture, every expression,
every song has its place in this world.
The more diverse we are, the richer we will ll be.
We all have to cooperate,
because we all have made mistakes
and have behaved badly.
We are here to remind ourselves
that we must think and feel,
but not any feeling or any thought,
We must think and feel properly,
We must “feel-think”.
As the Ancestors say,
humans are here since the beginning of life,
and we were left entrusted to take care of Mother Earth.
We must learn from the Native People,
from the indigenous peoples of the world.
Because we know how to interrelate with nature.
We have sacred and ancestral knowledge.