Message from Mamo Manuel, Kogi People, Colombia

We are a key moment in time, these are the times where Mother Earth is speaking through her beings, and also through the invisible beings that manifest themselves through diseases at these times.
And this is a lesson that we are learning as human beings.
The time has come for us to learn and remember the original law, the original ways, of behaving ourselves in a good way, and to do the work for Mother Earth.
- That we behave well with our Mother that feeds us.
- That we behave well with our animal relatives, with our plant kingdom relatives.
- That we behave well with the water that runs through the rivers, with the water that is in the ocean.
- That we behave well with our relatives that fly high in the sky and that we behave well with everything that surrounds us.
And most of all that we behave well with our thoughts, because we are in a moment in time where Mother Earth is teaching us her goodness and beauty, and her way of teaching us now is reminding us that we should change the wrong ways we have been relating with nature and all other beings. These are times not only for the beautiful thought but also for the times where we relearn to do things in a beautiful way.
Great Thanks.
Mamo Manuel.