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SARAH envisions a world where women’s equality is fully realized to achieve a world of justice and peace.
Mission Statement S.A.R.A.H., women of diverse cultures, faiths and beliefs, is committed to making a positive and meaningful difference in the world by advancing solutions that end all forms of violence disproportionately impacting women and girls.
To that end, our aim is to help women recognize self-awareness and personal agency through our programs and initiatives. We focus on cultural and systemic violence, and all of our practices promote circle principles which are rooted in our leading core values.
We provide tools and skills to help and support women and girls through scholarship, education, mentoring, and a platform for their wisdom and voices to be heard.
Led by an Advisory Council and small volunteer staff, we listen carefully to our network of Sisters around the world. then respond respectfully with creative solutions through technology and in collaboration with others who share our vision.
Leading Core Values
Compassion ~ Collaboration ~ Hospitality ~ Care ~ Trust ~ Community ~ Generosity ~ Love
We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us and who have paved our path. We also honor our own history and where we have come from and our value of getting out of our own way so as to listen carefully to what is our best course for accomplishing our vision of creating a more safe and harmonious community and world. See those we honor and our original Mission Statement.
We believe you have a divine spark of God containing your sacred purpose for life. Your birthright is to make contact and collaborate with your Indwelling Spirit to develop your human potential. In developing this, you attain Christ Consciousness through your cooperation with the spiritual plans seeded into you by our Creator Parent. As you live your true divine purpose, you shine the light of Spirit into your relationships and activities. Your own unique individuality increases the spiritual vitality upon the planet and helps others awaken to the power presence of God Within.
Our various healing and training programs assist you to invest in your God-given potential. You evolve out of lower states of unworthiness, doubt, fear, and illness into life as a healthy, joy-filled, peaceful, and purposeful individual. Here is a place to truly tap into your own inner sacred presence that wants you to succeed and achieve the truth, goodness, and beauty of who you were created to be.
We are an international spiritual ministry with our headquarters in Delray Beach, Florida.

Le Ciel Foundation is dedicated to restoring harmony and ecology on a global scale through cultural, spiritual and environmental projects.
The only way to return to the true nature of human beings is by recalibrating our relationship with nature and to each other, with humility, respect, and compassion.
Le Ciel's first mission is to bring together spiritual masters who were sought out to raise global consciousness and affect real change in our ways of living and being. Go to to learn more about the Council of Twelve and Above.

PUA CASE - Water is Sacred Sunday

For everyone just out of ceremony, in ceremony, going into ceremony, for everyone just through with an upright action, in an action right now, going into an action...for everyone who just finished praying, chanting, dancing, singing, or praying, chanting, dancing and singing right now, or getting your hearts, words, minds, voices ready for praying, chanting, dancing and singing....THANK YOU, MAHALO NUI - Aunty Pua
Earthstar Institute

Satya collective is a group of revolutionaries, writers, teachers, healers and Earth activists who share a common vision of awakening oneness consciousness through re-kindling ancient wisdom in human hearts.
Our mission is to touch as many people as possible by sharing our diverse voices and perspectives through blogging, community building, facilitating healing and engaging in conversations about what it means to be human during a time of upheaval and rapid evolution.
We add our voices powerfully to the movement of mass consciousness change that’s spreading across the Earth, diligently turning our hearts and minds towards the questions, “how can we best assist humanity through coming changes, what does planetary harmony look like and how do we create it together?”
Finca Sagrada (Sacred Land Farm)
Our inspiration is the indigenous saying of the Americas that “neither the people of the North nor the South will thrive until the Condor and the Eagle fly as one.”
Finca Sagrada is a community birthed in gratitude where people can reconnect to the sacredness of the Earth and our own being…
…where the Earth has rights equal to human beings…
…where we steward Earth and each other
…over a self-sustaining sacred community.
Finca Sagrada is located in the southern mountains of Ecuador, close to the globally well-known Vilcabamba. Being close to the Equator yet in the mountains, we experience spring-like weather all year long. Our Biodynamic farm consists of a five hundred hectare mountain and about four hectares (ten acres) of lush irrigated pastures, fruit forests and flower and vegetable gardens.
We farm Biodynamically and use permaculture principles. We are very diversified, with cows, goats, burros, chickens, fish, and bees. We have a food forest with bananas, mandarins, avocados, and coffee. On the ground, we grow traditional crops such as yucca, camote, and white carrots plus a variety of vegetables from the Northern hemisphere. We also have a greenhouse and flower gardens. Our aim is to be self- sufficient and sometimes we get pretty close.
For more information, visit

Experience Earth-based education in nature's classroom
4 Elements Earth Education (4EEE) is a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit with its mission to offer programs that guide children, families, and teens toward a pure connection to the Earth through direct experiences in nature.
Our Core Programs
Earth Initiatives

Earth Skills are a blend of the ancient arts of tracking, wilderness survival, and nature awareness. Earth Skills immerse the student into the environment, giving them first-hand experience of how to “read” the landscape as a steward of the Earth. Through our programs, a re-thinking of our relationship to Nature begins to occur; Nature is not simply a “resource” that we control as a product, but a relationship we must cultivate. Students are introduced to the world of the unseen and eternal, tapping into “the spirit that moves in all things” as awareness and skills are woven together to serve as a foundation for creating visionary leaders. -Rick Berry
For more Information visit
Watersongline Council

Photo: Watersongline Council Members at the Calling All Nations Ceremony: Left to right: Lis Addison; Rev. Zenju Earthlyn Manuel; Mahea Mahealani; Omileye Yeyeochun; Ann Rosencranz; Kauzumi Ohisihi
WaterSongline was founded through the coming forth of a vision of an international bringing together of all those souls and spirits praying for the healing of our Mother Waters and working towards a healed earth. This vision moved through Ann Rosencranz and her husband Bob Boyll, along with Yeye Omileye Achikeobi-lewis and her husband Derrick Lewis.
WaterSongline was launched at the Venus Transit (an auspicious astrological, in June 2012). For the last two years, WaterSongline has successfully brought many nations and individuals across the globe together in prayer for our waterways, Earth, and humanity. These prayers have raised much-needed awareness about our ailing waterways, the need for compassion, and oneness in order to create the world we wish to see.
Hundreds of people from all over the world join in our international prayers, whose energy of our prayers is held t by the WaterSongline Council in 2012. This council has faithfully gathered water from 20 sacred waterways through which they unify the energy of many rivers, cultures, and peoples. The WaterSongline is supported by the many people who join the prayers across the globe, the Center of Sacred Studies, The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, and YeyeOsun The Institute of Sacred Balance & Home of the Humanity4Water Awards.
Members of the WaterSongLine Council Offer Stories, Reflections, Transmissions, Practices, Prayers, Songs, and Ceremonies for Renewal and Balance.
The Message of Water is Compassion and Love. As devotees of the Mother Water, the members of the WaterSongline Council honor all elements.
We offer these teachings and practices of purification from traditions around the world so that we can join together with all people on this path of love and healing.
Like rivers to the ocean, the WaterSongline is a convergence of prayers for our Mother Water.
You can still purchase the Teleseminar!
Listening to Our Mother Water: The Path of Purification
With the WaterSongLine Council
7-week course recorded from November 4th to December 16th, 2014