Sacred Lands | Sacred Cultures | Sacred Economics

The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations

We envision a restored global economy of reciprocity inspired by nature and the sacred.

Imagine a global economic system truly aligned with care for the earth and the whole of life for the benefit of current and future generations, guided by the ancestral wisdom and technologies of cultures that have lived this way for the larger course of human history. This is the work of The Fountain.

There is a growing awareness of the extraordinary wisdom originally developed and perennially sustained by the world’s ancestral indigenous peoples – peoples whose cultural genesis can be traced back to the original times.  

We have partnerships with many other groups called to work in these ways, among them the Center for Sacred Studies, International Council for Environmental and Economic Development, SourceCode4Life Consortium, ICV, LeCiel, and a wide variety of NGOs.

The Fountain exists to catalyze the journey towards reconnection and unification by bridging sacred economics with the sacred ecological principles and practices of ancestral cultures.

Join us and play your part in the great work of our time.

The Fountain projects and programs exist to catalyze the process of unification and the restoration of Mother Earth. They are guided by the values of reciprocity, respect, responsibility, and relationship. Our initiatives support flow between sacred economics, sacred lands, and sacred cultures.

Our Vision

We envision a restored global economy of reciprocity inspired by Nature and the Sacred in which all beings thrive.


Our mission is to enable collaborative action that bridges the original principles of ancient cultures into a new vision for sacred economics in service to sacred lands.

Our Values

The Fountain’s work is inspired and guided by the original principles including: Reciprocity | Respect | Responsibility | Relationship

Dear Community and Relatives,

It is with great excitement that I am sharing with you The Fountain!

Several years ago, we received instruction to "restore an economic model based on collaboration and reciprocity guided by Nature and the Sacred".

The Fountain Movement is actualizing a new model of Sacred Economics that combines the most enlightened elements of the Western Financial System with the natural intelligence of Native Wisdom Traditions to bring practical solutions to the worlds current economic and ecological crisis.

The Movement is working to restore the world's sacred sites and return them to the stewardship of their natural indigenous guardians to bring the Earth back into balance. We are utilizing the ancient technology of ceremony and prayer to receive Nature's guidance to this end. We are listening to the Earth Herself, and following what she needs to restore Herself. We are returning to the roots of ourselves so that health can be restored.

Why is it important?

The Fountain's new sacred economic model presents a way to finally sidestep the mass of negativity created by the world's materialistic and fragmented financial systems and evolve a new sacred economic pathway that unifies the world's peoples to collectively create a sustainable, life-supporting planet, in reciprocity with Nature.

The Fountain Movement is an invitation to help bring about a transformed global society that leaves a legacy of clean air, fresh water, fertile soil and spiritual harmony for the Earth's children. The Movement is an amazing opportunity to co-create an exemplary model that restores life.

The call to a collaborative relationship on all levels is imperative!

We invite you to visit our new website at to learn more about the story of how this initiative has grown and the amazing projects that have grown out of it.

Please "like" us on Facebook to join our growing community, dedicated to helping restore a new sacred economic paradigm of unity, collaboration, and reciprocity.

It is our hope that you will support us by sharing our message of Unity with your networks so that the web of interconnection can grow and our prayer can take flight and span the globe.

The Earth is calling us to stand up in Unity and Peace for all Life.

May it be so,

Jyoti Grandmother Vision Keeper

Jyoti (Elder, USA)