Mothership Program - Subscription Members Area

Celebrating Beltaine with Lucy Morus-Baird

Wednesday, May 1st @ 11 AM PT (2pm ET)

Come celebrate the vibrant festival of Beltaine, also known as Calan Mai, with Lucy Morus-Baird, Minister from the Rainbow Sister clan, based in Wales. Beltaine marks the midpoint between the Solstice and the Equinox, symbolizing the dawn of summer. Bring your prayers, intentions, and an open heart to embrace this pivotal moment and the possibilities it holds for your journey ahead. Beltaine is a significant time in the turning of the year when the Earth is alive with song, offering us the opportunity to pray for a bountiful harvest ahead. Join us in honoring this sacred occasion and connecting with the abundant energy of the season.

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Meeting ID: 817 8957 8890
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 Lucy Morus-Baird

"After completing a BSc in Biological Sciences, I gained a certificate in Counselling Skills. In 2004, I spent some time living and working in Central and South America, studying for a year with Con Ciencia Indígena in Mexico learning tools to improve attention, shed old patterns and walk a path with a heart. This focused on intense training learning about our ego, unhealthy patterns and tools to change, such as deep nature connection, recapitulation and vision quest.

I worked with Brandon Bays, studied Reiki, Bach Flower Remedies and in 2009 spent two years training to be a Minister of Walking Prayer with the Center for Sacred Studies (CSS) in California which included learning about Earth based Ways of connection from different traditions, the power of prayer and a spiritual practise and how to tend to sacred space.

During this time I also studied an MSc in land based conservation at Bangor University which brought me to Wales. I began an apprenticeship with Arwyn DreamWalker,  a teacher and healer of the Medicine Traditions of Turtle Island. In 2012, I started studying Creative Kinesiology, a tradition using muscle testing to investigate what is going on in the body.  I then completed a practitioner training in Perceptual Bodywork in 2019, learning techniques to release and heal.

In 2023 I certified as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr Gabor Maté in Compassionate Inquiry and am currently working as an intern.

I have furthered my tool kit, training with Annu Tarra with Cacao medicine, Daniel Floor with Ancestral healing and Shawna Bluestar Newcombe.

I offer one to one therapy, spiritual mentorship and divination sessions online and in person.

I teach about divination and hold transformative ceremonial space using movement, cacao and working with a sacred fire. I hold regular dances in my community aligned to the Celtic calendar and use herbs to clear and cleanse spaces."

Galactic Astro-Club with Sibyl Star

1st Wednesday of the Month

May 1st @ 5pm PT
June 5th @ 5pm PT
July 3rd @ 5pm PT
August 7th @ 5pm PT
September 4th @ 5pm PT
October 2nd @ 5pm PT
November 6th @ 5pm PT
December 4th @ 5pm PT

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Meeting ID: 833 8314 0827

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Welcome to the Galactic Astro Club with Sibyl Star!
This is a group that meets monthly to discuss current astrological events to help us navigate these changing times. A new feature will be a short teaching on a different Star Nation each month as we begin to awaken and remember our Cosmic family.
A short mini-reading will be included for participants on the Live Call, with an opportunity to ask questions.
You can email your birth date, time and place at

Sibyl Star is a professional astrologer and has a thriving astrological counseling business where through the channeling of the Star Nation combined with many years of astrological study, she is able to assist her clients in navigating these turbulent times. She believes astrology holds the key to self-understanding and a map that guides us to self-realization and happiness. Sibyl does several different astrological consultations including natal, updates, relationship, and relocation readings.
Rev. Sibyl’s monthly video forecast is followed by tens of thousands of viewers, and she maintains an active “Star Nation Oracle Blog” and videos of current astrological events.

FireSide Chat with Jyoti Ma and Darlene Hunter

2nd Wednesday of the Month

Jyoti Ma | May 8th @ 5pm PT
Darlene Hunter | June 12th @ 5pm PT
Jyoti Ma | July 10th @ 5pm PT
Darlene Hunter | August 14th  @ 5pm PT
Jyoti Ma | September 11th @ 5pm PT
Darlene Hunter | October 9th @ 5pm PT
Jyoti Ma | November 13th @ 5pm PT
Darlene Hunter | December 11th @ 5pm PT

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Meeting ID: 894 2568 6502

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During this session, you will have the chance to ask questions, seek guidance and receive valuable information from Jyoti Ma & Darlene Hunter themselves. The session will be conducted in a sacred environment, allowing you to connect with them in a deeply meaningful way.

About Jyoti Ma

Jyoti Ma, Grandmother Vision Keeper is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples. As one of the founders and now holding a Grandmother Seat, and in her active role for so many years as the Spiritual Director of the Center for Sacred Studies, she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert. She is the founder of The Fountain, it's mission is to restore an economic model that is based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. She has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of alliances between individuals who are the guardians of indigenous culture and traditional medicine ways. Through this work, collaborative relationships with organizations that are focused on economic, social, and environmental solutions have developed, creatively addressing the global challenges of our times.

About Darlene Hunter

Darlene Hunter is a founding member of both Kayumari, a global spiritual village with communities in both America and Europe, and the Center for Sacred Studies as one of the principal community builders and teachers. As the Spiritual Director for CSS, Darlene holds a vision for Peace & Unity, inspiring staff, board and community members worldwide to carry the mission of CSS through Educational, Ministerial, Sanctuary and Advocacy Programs dedicated to sustaining ways of life based on collaboration and reciprocity with the Earth and all Her beings.

As a Minister, Instructor and co-creator of the Ministerial Training Program, and Instructor for the Stargate Mystery School, an international school on consciousness, Darlene provides individual and group ministry to support awakening by holding prayer ceremonies to bring people in direct contact with the Divine. In the last three decades she received initiations into traditions from around the world and has devoted more than a decade of service to the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. Since 2012 she has served as a bridge to the Fountain and the Earth Initiatives it carries.

Darlene travels internationally to cultivate and develop community growth by sharing of resources, knowledge and prayer dedicated to the ancestors and the next 7 generations.

Virtual New Moon Circle 

with Alice Caparelli, Stephany Eskins and Tatiana Berindei

New Moon Calendar

Circle Song Share with Tatiana Berindei

Many traditions hold song and dance as the highest forms of medicine. Those of us who walk in ceremonial ways know well how important the songs are to moving the prayer along in a good way.

Psychic speed-readings with Tatiana Berindei

MotherShip Program Call

12 Moon Sound Healing Journey Through the Celtic Medicine Wheel with Daniela Lanaia

Prayer Portal Calls

with Jyoti and Darlene