Listening to Our Mother Water - a completed Teleseminar to download

Listening to Our Mother Water: The Path of Purification
With the WaterSongLine Council
7-week course recorded from November 4th to December 16th, 2014

Members of the WaterSongLine Council Offer Stories, Reflections, Transmissions, Practices, Prayers, Songs, and Ceremonies for Renewal and Balance.
The Message of Water is Compassion and Love. As devotees of the Mother Water, the members of the WaterSongline Council honor all elements.
We offer these teachings and practices of purification from traditions around the world so that we can join together with all people on this path of love and healing.
Like rivers to the ocean, the WaterSongline is a convergence of prayers for our Mother Water.
Download the course
You’ll have access to the full library of audio recordings – plus videos.
We are offering this 7-week course without a set price, in the spirit of Sacred Reciprocity, and in the true harvest spirit of Thanks-giving, to open our prayers and teachings to a wider audience, and increase the flow of all our prayers for the Mother Water.
Listening to Our Mother Waters Teleseminar
Suggested Price: $149.00