Exciting Update on the Pulse from Source – Jenny Schiltz

Exciting Update on the Pulse from Source
by Jenny Schiltz | Jul 7, 2020 |
I wanted to give a quick update of the Pulse from Source. If you haven’t seen the latest blog post it can be found here: https://jennyschiltz.com/pulse-from-source-heading-our-way/
One thing I wanted to clear up is this is not the Solar Flash that so many have heard of. My understanding of the solar flash is that it will come from the Grand Central Sun. This Pulse came directly from Source and touched everything including the Galactic Sun and Galactic Center.
I was super excited to see that the Ascension Diaries a great page on Facebook (click the link to follow) was able to see the pulse on the Schumann Resonance. Posting new information is always a gamble as you never know how it will be received. To see confirmation from “out there” makes me giddy!
On Friday, July 3rd the slow steady ramp-up of energies began. Numerous people said that they found themselves weepy, sad, depressed, and even angry over the weekend. While not fun, it is necessary for us to feel this space and resolve the parts of ourselves that feel this way. The pulse is designed to bring up what needs addressing while also bringing in a higher frequency. Some have felt alone, lost, and hopeless. We are being challenged to instead see it as the void space which is the space of creation, verses nothingness, and no connection. The space of creation, the void, can feel empty but it is the space from which we are being asked to choose what is it that we want moving forward. What will fill us with excitement and hope?
Alternately, some are feeling really good and full of hope and promise. There is not a right way to experience this, only your way and experiencing exactly what you need to assist you on your journey. Pets are not immune to this and they may be clingy, lethargic, showing intestinal disruptions and dry noses.
What I have also noticed is that some are finding that they vibrationally dipped into the lower timeline (it is not hard to do). Take a nice deep breath, drop into your body, into the heart space and ask if you are in the lower timeline. Feel the answer.
If you find that you are, the angels have given me a technique that is simple but often profound. I use it whenever I am feeling off and like I am stuck in a frequency that is NOT working with my system. It is a physical as well as etheric exercise. Sometimes the movement of the body helps tremendously
- Go to a set of stairs.
- Go onto the first step and call in AA Michael, AA Raphael, AA Uriel, AA Gabriel of the 4 directions to hold space and assist you.
- Call in your Highest Self and whomever else you like to routinely work with.
- Now ask all those that you have called in to help you raise your vibration and shift you to the highest Divine Timeline
- Go onto the first step and call in AA Michael, AA Raphael, AA Uriel, AA Gabriel of the 4 directions to hold space and assist you.
- Begin taking each step one at a time asking for assistance with one of the things written below. Allowing yourself plenty of time per step to receive the healing and shift of frequencies.
- Ask that all cords that need to be cut are done so through all dimensions, timelines, and realities
- Ask that your feet chakras are cleared and opened and that anything “planting” your feet in a lower frequency be removed.
- Now go over your chakras (one per step- root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). Ask that each of your chakras is cleared, healed balanced and that it spin in the proper direction.
- Ask that all the layers of your aura are cleared and sealed
- Begin taking each step one at a time asking for assistance with one of the things written below. Allowing yourself plenty of time per step to receive the healing and shift of frequencies.
- You may feel the desire to lay down after this or you may feel quite energized. I have had both experiences. Please drink plenty of water to help with the clearing.
This exercise can help now and in the future, if you are ever feeling like “I’m in the wrong location”. I hope that this message finds you utilizing the pulse. Feeling the things that need to be felt while simultaneously accessing the higher joy that is here. Thank you to all who have supported and shared this work. I am very grateful.
Jenny Schiltz
P.S. July’s Inner Circle Session is open for registration. I will be sharing more on what the Galactic Council is saying about this time and ways to navigate this space. For more info click: https://jennyschiltz.com/inner-circle-sessions/