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Mothership Program Galactic Astro Club series, Sibyl Star, November 1st, 2023, 5 PM PST

MotherShip Program Series

Galactic Astro Club with Sibyl Star!

November 1st, 2023 @ 5 PM PST

1st Wednesday of the Month!

Welcome to the Galactic Astro Club with Sibyl Star!
This is a group that meets monthly to discuss current astrological events to help us navigate these changing times. A new feature will be a short teaching on a different Star Nation each month as we begin to awaken and remember our Cosmic family.
A short mini-reading will be included for participants on the Live Call, with an opportunity to ask questions.
You can email your birth date, time and place at sibyl@sibylstar.com

Sibyl Star


Sibyl Star is a professional astrologer and has a thriving astrological counseling business where through the channeling of the Star Nation combined with many years of astrological study, she is able to assist her clients in navigating these turbulent times. She believes astrology holds the key to self-understanding and a map that guides us to self-realization and happiness. Sibyl does several different astrological consultations including natal, updates, relationship, and relocation readings.
Rev. Sibyl’s monthly video forecast is followed by tens of thousands of viewers, and she maintains an active “Star Nation Oracle Blog” and videos of current astrological events. sibylstar.com