Enhancing Inner Guidance - More Information


Center for Sacred Studies Wisdom Bridge Teleseminar presents

Enhancing Inner Guidance
Living an Inspired Sacred Life and Expressing More of Who You Are

A 6 Week Audio Journey

With Akashic Reader, Meditation Guide, and Healer,
Shivrael Shannon Brophy

An interactive six-week audio course with support, guidance, instruction, new tools to transform your life, interaction, co-creation, healing, sacred space, and more…

Q&A with Shivrael Shannon Brophy – Recording
Recorded Thursday, September 1st, 2016


What is Inner Guidance?

Inner guidance comes to each of us as messages from our soul and higher self that is connected to source. Hearing, feeling, sensing and interpreting our soul’s purpose helps us express our authentic self in service to the world and to live from our highest passion and inspiration.

Inner guidance can be as simple as excitement we feel about something. It can be physical as bodily sensations like tingles or “truth chills.” It can be visions that can be interpreted as encoded information. It can be instructions and answers from aspects of us that already know how to do something or the information we need in our life


We will learn how to receive more and better guidance and how to interpret the guidance we receive.

Our inner guidance can be used in many ways, such as healing ourselves, transforming our lives, enhancing our creativity, solving problems, making decisions, success in what we are creating in the world, and in getting ideas and new perspectives.

Our inner guidance allows us to express as our higher selves through our human aspects which can be our creative expression in the world and our higher purpose.

Everyone is a multidimensional being which allows us to access through our intuitive senses. Everyone and everything we interact with has consciousness such as plants, stones, trees, crystals, and Mother Earth. Inner Guidance allows us to communicate with life all around us.

Enhancing our inner guidance is all about having a more delicious life where we are in the flow and alignment with the universe and all of creation!

Discover open-ended tools that you can use for health, creativity, manifestation, success, abundance, overcoming fears, instilling new talents, healing disease, and make change and transformation.


Our goal for this Six Week journey is to channel and express as your authentic self, bring through guidance that is to your everyday life, making it more aligned with spirit in all that you do.


In living with and expressing as our embodied inner guidance, we speak from the heart, see from the heart and live from the heart, while translating through the heart.

We express our true hearts essence to the world.

We will delve into communication with our own higher selves, our guides, and also this allows us to communicate other forms of consciousness, hearing the voice of spirit in all of creation. We feel our unity with all life and are in support of other forms of life and their thriving as these forms of life are in support of us too. This is the giving and receiving of the universe to all life.

In every moment the Great Spirit communicates to all creatures everything they need to know. Through ten thousand billion agents – angel, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral- through the vast and subtle network of living design beyond the weather, before the wind, the truth is ever being transmitted into this world of form.” ~ Ken Carey Return of the Bird Tribes

Enhancing Inner Guidance Teleseminar


Enhancing Inner Guidance DOWNLOAD

Living an Inspired Sacred Life and Expressing More of Who You Are

An interactive six-week audio course with support, guidance, instruction, new tools to transform your life,
interaction, co-creation, healing, sacred space, and more…

Course Materials & Bonus Gifts You’ll Receive

• Akashic Reading Guide
• Communicating with All Life
• The Glow Meditation
• How to Turn up Your Inner Guidance
• Soul Embodiment of Multidimensionality and Synchronicity
• How to Shift to a Positive Perspective

Recorded from September 22 to October 27, 2016
About Shivrael Shannon Brophy….
Shivrael is good at receiving and sharing intuitive information received with claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairvoyance. She is skilled at helping others to open up their inner knowing, seeing and hearing so they can access multidimensional information to enrich and guide their own lives. She is a multidimensional translator, a teacher, and facilitator of spiritual groups. She is known for ceremonies on Mt.Shasta, for online webinars and gatherings for planetary and personal healing and opening. She has offers webinars and in-person events to connect with guides. She writes blogs on spirituality, consciousness, synchronicity,

When not at her home in Mt.Shasta, a sacred vortex spot, she travels the world to other sacred sites. Most recently she traveled to Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. She loves to read and to learn new things and to be inspired. Shivrael transmits empowerment and supports inner transformation. She is here in support of Mother Earth and all life to bring forth a new paradigm based on love and sharing, unity consciousness.
Shivrael Shannon Brophy’s Youtube channel of blogs in audio format is here www.youtube.com/user/yoginishan
Shivrael’s main website is www.AkashicIntuitive.com

Week One: Quantum Jumping for Getting in the Zone of Receiving


We will set the groundwork of understanding for the course which will be an inner journey of transformation. We will discuss what inner guidance is, how to set the sacred space so that we can better receive it, and the ways in which spirit speaks to us.

Find out what the work in this course, connecting to our Inner Guidance, can do for us and use it to set our personal intention of what we wish to create through it.

What is Quantum Jumping? Quantum Jumping is a powerful meditation and visualization practice that allows us to change our state of being which is our frequency. From this, we can change how we feel and our mood. By doing this, we become more receptive to multi-dimensional information that wants to present itself to us. Quantum Jumping can allow us to tap into alternate selves.

We open sacred space together in unity with one another and also Mother Earth and all of creation. We each call forth our intentions for the journey that we are embarking on. In this sacred space of the heart, we open to a radiance meditation that brings us to smiling, feeling an overflow of light, as our multidimensional self.

We practice Quantum Jumping and experience how it changes our frequency in the feeling of our physical bodies and our emotional state.

In this session you will:

• Recognize different ways of accessing multidimensional information
• Invite and interpret synchronicity in all that you
• Learn how to discern useful inner guidance with your heart
• Explore within meditation and begin to receive guidance
• Discover how messages can come through excitement, feeling, hearing, seeing, and knowing
• Learn how to set the space to elicit downloads or messages from your higher self
• Find out the benefits for your life and for healing through Quantum Jumping
• Discover a way to easily and quickly change your mood
|• Offer your intentions for your transformation journey
• Speak and share from the heart

Week two: Meet your Angels, Guides, or Higher Self, and Twin Self


Last week we learned how to shift our state of being and make frequency shifts. Let’s share and see what we discovered.  Experience a meditation technique that takes our quantum jumping further in that we are able to meet an aspect of us who has mastered what we wish to bring into our lives. This can help us develop new talents and skills or enhance our success in a myriad of ways.

The second meditation, which is more advanced, takes us into the feeling space of our physical heart chamber and high heart space as if they are rooms. We explore these rooms within ourselves and we invite our guide to meet us here where we can ask questions.

In this session you will:

• Come together in sacred space
• Learn about how current quantum physics theory speaks of a parallel world and supports the idea of twin selves
• Find out about the benefits of meeting our twin selves and what we can learn
• Explore deeper quantum jumping, this time meeting our twin selves
• Share what we discovered and bring it home to practice this week
• After preparation, we’ll go deep into the heart space and discover a chamber within and also meet your guide
• In the space of your heart, commune and communicate with your guide
• Share your experiences with others and thank you guide, higher self, or angel
• Invite your guide to an ongoing relationship with you

Week three: Be a Bridge Between Heaven and Earth and Welcoming Your Council of Light


In our meditation, we connect to Mother Earth and the Sky, allowing us to feel like pillars of light. This raises our frequency by increasing our vibration spin which is something that can be felt, and allows us to feel connected to Mother Earth and all life, and also the universe.

We establish the vibration of unity within the group. From this sacred place of connection and oneness, we then bring in our Council of Light which is a team of beings that wish to help us in all ways. A guide can show up as an angel, an animal totem, an ascended master, a being of light, a star being, or some other form.

Called Formation Work, the practice allows us to see who the guides at the moment are, and to call on them in the future. We become more and more comfortable receiving multidimensional information with these games, structures and meditations like Formation Work. It does well to approach them with the innocence and imagination of a child and to have fun.

Being with others who are experiencing multidimensionally and describing the experience allow everyone to progress in their psychic knowing and seeing. This takes level of connection to source to a new level.

In this session you will:

• Unify, feel connected, go deep into meditative space
• Invite in your personal Council of Light to be with you

Week four: Translating Information from the Quantum Field from the Akashic Records


The Akashic Records are an energetic imprint of everything that has happened in time and space, every thought, feeling, event and experience.  All is present within the quantum field and we can access the Akashic Records through our multi-dimensional senses. The divine wisdom and knowledge available is a gift to everyone, and anyone can access them.

In this session you will:

• Learn how to access the Akashic Records through meditation and visualization
• Enter the Living Library of Light or the Akashic Records to learn about yourself
• Enjoy a co-creative game in sacred space for accessing the Library together
• Support one another in exploration, discovery, and development
• Learn a skill that is a benefit to others

Week five: Healing Ourselves and Healing the Earth with a Group Water Blessing Ceremony


We will use quantum jumping in creative ways for self-healing on all levels. Our bodies are microcosms of the Earth. “As above, so below” is an axiom that explains how that which is in the microcosm is also in the macrocosm. As we shift ourselves to greater healing and vibration, we shift the Earth. A kingdom lies within our bodies and it is a miniature of Mother Earth’s body. By meditating and communicating with our bodies, we allow our well-being to strengthen. Our inner world and vibration create our outer experience of the world.

In this session you will:

• Explore inner healing and receive intuitive health information for ourselves
• Learn about tools for self-healing practices
• Send healing and blessing to water in ceremony
• Bless the water of our bodies and the water of Mother Earth together with gratitude, love, and appreciation
• Feel our unity with all life, our connection to the universe

Week six : Coming together to Receive in The Visionary Council


We will share our experiences thus far, and review the meditation tools we have learned. Then we take what we have learned to a new experience. We co-create sacred space and see what messages want to come through us in unity. When one person shares what they see or feel or hear in the moment, the others are led into a multidimensional experience as well. Spirit may speak in inspiring words, tones, light language, images, and visions.

We may get inspirations in the form of encoded glyphs, messages, or ideas that we can use on our path of service and creative expression.  All Inner Guidance that is based on love is welcomed and is thus pure. A Visionary Council gives us individual and collective guidance for contributing to the highest good.  Ultimately, our gifts are to benefit all life and Mother Earth, so let us allow guidance to arise within and for each of us to share and listen from the heart.

In this session you will:

• Discover the power of group unity in council and see what comes through
• Open to your own visions
• Hold space for others visions and feel what they experience through your own eyes as they describe their perspective
• Learn a way to bring unity consciousness to your own groups for divine guidance in connection with the universe
• Allow the group to receive guidance with each person getting a piece of the puzzle
• Feel the power of all we have learned, embody and apply it

Enhancing Inner Guidance Teleseminar


Enhancing Inner Guidance DOWNLOAD

Living an Inspired Sacred Life and Expressing More of Who You Are

An interactive six-week audio course with support, guidance, instruction, new tools to transform your life,
interaction, co-creation, healing, sacred space, and more…

Course Materials & Bonus Gifts You’ll Receive

• Akashic Reading Guide
• Communicating with All Life
• The Glow Meditation
• How to Turn up Your Inner Guidance
• Soul Embodiment of Multidimensionality and Synchronicity
• How to Shift to a Positive Perspective

Recorded from September 22 to October 27, 2016


"I love connecting with Shivrael as she is a wonderful conductor and helps to open up different avenues of thought for me. With her gentle questions and knowing insights she assists me to see what I am doing with new eyes thereby seeing more of the bigger picture and being more confident in myself and my knowing”. –  Ann Miller, The Crystal Awakener in Scotland.

“I have been on a number of calls when Shivrael led or co-led the process. It was always a delight to hear her speak and share who she is. What she had to say was always from the heart and was both informative and inspiring.  Shivrael is a beautiful soul who shines brightly. If the opportunity comes, do not miss out on being a part of one of her gatherings. Namaste”. – John Shilter in New Jersey, USA

“Facilitator leader, Shivrael is an activator.  Her voice tone and voice vibration pattern is encoded.  You will find she helps bridge you to your multidimensional self.   If you want to explore layers of yourself and discover personal insights, the quantum jumping class the right choice.  This class will accelerate your journey.  You will receive tools and support to help you access the information you want to know.
I have participated in multidimensional journeys and quantum jumping with Shivrael on many occasions.  Each time I interact with her, I easily access multidimensional intel and personal truths.  Her style to hold space and honor everyone’s unique path makes her an outstanding teacher, collaborator, and playmate.  I would recommend her classes to everyone.  If you are advanced in your spiritual journey you will feel pure love and expansion in her class.  If you are new to this type of exploration, you will feel safe, comfortable and free to move at a pace that feels right for you”. – Sabrina Brightstar, Author of 4:44 A Multidimensional Game For Manifesting, in Minnesota, USA