The Path of the Mirror - a completed Teleseminar to download
The Path of the Mirror
Translated and moderated by Eva Ackerman
Amaru Qosco, the beloved teacher who brought you the "The Eagle's Vision" teleseminar, will be guiding us through this journey of consciousness with his radiant love and expansive wisdom. After spending his life immersed in the study and application of the Life-Originating Principles of the original peoples of North and South America (some of which we began studying in The Eagle's Vision), Roberto has been granted permission to share these profoundly sacred ancient teachings with the outside world.
His intention is to support us in the crucial and urgent work we must all do to restore and unify our internal and external worlds.
Read the Letter from Roberto A. Restrepo about the course!
Listen the Recording of the FREE Introductory Session to the Path of The Mirror Teleseminar:
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The Path of the Mirror Teleseminar
Wisdom Bridge Teleseminars for download
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