Instruments for peace - a completed Teleseminar to download


Instruments of Peace

With Jai Uttal, Tina Malia,  Bethany Yarrow & Rufus Cappadocia, Joanne Shenandoah, Zap Mama, and Shimshai!!

6-week course recorded from August 14 - September 18, 2013

collage IFP

Come explore the Healing Power of MUSIC!!!
An unprecedented intimate meeting with some of the leading conscious musicians of our time...

 Each week, a different artist shares some of their most treasured musical offerings - live, unedited and directly into our ears! In addition, each discusses a topic of their choice that inspires them about the healing power of music, the difference it can make for each of us as individuals, and the impact it can have on our planet at large.

Each artist has created their topic of discussion and they are excited to share their thoughts, teachings, creative processes and inspirations with you! We receive the blessing of getting to know them not only as the amazing musicians they are but as human beings as well.


You will receive the recording of all 6 sessions of the course. We are offering this 7-week course without a set price, in the spirit of Sacred Reciprocity.


Instruments for Peace Teleseminar

Suggested Price: $149.00

For more info email at