The Eagle's Vision - a completed Teleseminar to download

THE EAGLE´S VISION: Unify Your Heart with Mother Earth

With Roberto A. Restrepo, Translated and supported by Nelson Caraballo

~ With a special visit with traditional authorities from La Sierra Nevada Mountains of Santa Marta, Colombia ~

7-week course recorded from April 24th to May 29th, 2013


This course presents an ample look at the worldview and thought of native (original) peoples of the Americas and its transcendent form of understanding the world, origin, self, and destiny. It also shows how this atemporal worldview and thought give meaning and direction to the human experience and bring an understanding of the values which the life-originating principles (Law of Origin or IKWASHENDUNA) bestowed to the human community for this point in time of its existence.

Moreover, this course makes it possible to understand and interact with the Sacred; an aspect of great importance to Native/Original America shared for over 5000 years.
To become familiar with this worldview is to understand an essential part of the American soul and her native peoples, and provides a fundamental tool instrumental in giving form once again to our own original thought, thus helping us to rethink our human role in this time-space of the Fifth Sun, a period of great change and opportunities.

Preview: "Ikwashenduna" - Video in Spanish


Letter by Jyoti about the Course: Dear Friends and Relatives,

It is my great privilege to introduce to you our upcoming teleseminar with two dear friends of mine--Roberto Restrepo and Nelson Caraballo. I met them in a most personal way last year when I traveled with a small group to visit with the four peoples of the La Sierra in Colombia--the Kogui, Wiwa, Arhuaco, and Kankuamo. Sustaining the balance of the spiritual and ecological world is their sacred task. I came away from that meeting inspired by the integrity of these people and a way of life that is guided by Nature. I came home with a renewed hope for our planet seeded by the wisdom shared with us. Roberto and Nelson share their passion for a life dedicated to the sustainability of our Earth and her original peoples. Please take this moment to sit with these teachings, which I am sure will cultivate very personal insights, as well as fuel your dedication to the work you are doing in the world! Creation is calling!!

Much love,

Download the course

You will receive:
A recording of all 7 sessions of the course for your future reference and study.
A compilation of the essential images from the course, along with notes by Roberto Restrepo.

The Eagle’s Vision Teleseminar



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