Thank you one and all for joining in the FUN for CSS’s Second Annual Online Auction FUNdraiser!

Thank you for sharing with your friends, for bidding on these fabulous offerings from the heart, for your donations, for your love & prayers and for being who you are and all the ways you support the Center for Sacred Studies.

We have deep gratitude for all those who offered their services, their artwork, their creations, and their encouragement.

We give thanks to all the Staff & Volunteers who have shown up throughout all our years of being in service to this Divine Creation!

Our hearts of full of gratitude!

In keeping with the Mission of collaboration and reciprocity, the offerings are donations from ordained CSS Ministers of Walking Prayer as well as Community Members and Friends of CSS and Kayumari. We are grateful for all who are excited to donate on behalf of the Center for Sacred Studies.

The auction is in response to Mother Earth and her call for help. In these times of extreme change, walking the prayer, collaborations around the world educating and inspiring to protect Earth-Based Initiatives requires an energy exchange. The small staff of Center for Sacred Studies is reaching out for your assistance to help carry the Message of Hope and Light forward.

Amazing Offerings!

  • Healing sessions
  • Healing products
  • Sacred encounters
  • Business services
  • Travel and experiences
  • Weekend retreats
  • Original art
  • Handmade jewelry
  • Ceremonial products


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Thank you for your love and support!




Wish to donate now? You can do that at any time!