A FREE Community Prayer Portal CALL ~ Listening to the Wisdom of the Earth with Jyoti ~ July 31st, 2019
Our call this month is “Listening to the Wisdom of the Earth” – Please join us as Jyoti our Grandma Elder, Founding member of Kayumari with her husband Russell Park; one of the Founding members of the Center for Sacred Studies; Founder of the Fountain Project and Spiritual Grandma for our Global Community Village, shares with us on July 31st about her pilgrimage trip across the UK starting at the north shore and extended across the UK to the south shore, aligning and restoring the Michael and Mary lines. Along these lines, she attended the KIVA gathering and the Glastonbury Festival. She then went onto Peru, participating in meetings and ceremonies with elders of the Quechua Peoples. Her final stopping point was in Colombia in meetings and ceremony with the Mamos. She brings back messages and shares the collaborative actions that are following the direction of the Eagle/Condor Prophecy.
Jyoti writes:
‘Dear Relatives and Community,
I am traveling in a spiritual pilgrimage for almost 6 weeks which will take me across England and into Peru and Colombia. Shortly after I return, we will have our call. So much is challenging us in this turning time. Mother Earth has a clear focus on where she is taking us. Listen carefully to her messages. They may come in your dreams. In your experiences with Nature. Through your intuition and visions. Gather this as I travel, so that we can all share what we have received. And through that collaborative sharing, we will glimpse at what she is revealing.
Off on my pony!!!
Talk to you soon.’